What Happens if I’m Caught Driving With a Suspended License After a DWI in Texas?

Harrell & Paulson

When convicted of a DWI, your life will change in a number of ways. Aside from the criminal record, you’ll lose your license for a period of time. This can cause issues if you need to travel to work or school. Though you may think you’re going to dive carefully, getting pulled over when driving without a license is a serious charge. If found driving with a suspended license after a DWI charge in Texas, you can face severe consequences. Keep reading to learn more about the penalties and how a Kaufman County, Texas DWI lawyer can help you receive justice.

What Are the Consequences of Driving With a Suspended License?

When your license is suspended, you are prohibited from operating a motor vehicle. If caught driving, you will face subsequent penalties on top of your DWI conviction. A DWI conviction carries a fine of up to $2,000 and three mandatory days in jail.

Driving without a license following a DWI charge in Texas is a Class C misdemeanor, which carries $500 in fines and an extension of the suspension. If caught driving without a license for a second time, you can spend up to 180 days in jail and an additional fine of up to $2,000.

Are There Alternative Options?

When your license is suspended, you may think there are no other options but to take your chances in order to get to work or your other obligations. Unfortunately, this is a surefire way to obtain additional charges, which can create additional financial hardship and stress.

If you need your license but it has been suspended, you have options. Texas offers a conditional driver’s license (CDL) for those who have obligations to fulfill. This is a limited license that you must apply for. However, to be eligible, you must meet a number of requirements. These include providing a detailed schedule of your work hours, the routes you take to get to your job, and any other locations you may need to visit out of necessity. You’ll also need to pay a number of fees and obtain SR-22 insurance.

Can an Attorney Help Me?

If you’re convicted of DWI and then found driving with a suspended license, contacting an attorney as soon as possible is essential. Though it may seem indefensible, a seasoned attorney will help you explore every possible option to create a defense that works for your circumstances.

When you need an attorney to fight for you in the eyes of the law, Harrell & Paulson is here to help. Our dedicated legal team will do everything in our power to help you obtain the best possible outcome for your situation. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do.