Is a Motorcycle Accident More Serious than a Car Accident?

Harrell & Paulson

Motorcycles have a reputation for being more dangerous to operate than standard motor vehicles. But regardless of whether a motorcycle accident or a car accident occurs, the damages can be severe and perhaps even life-altering. Read on to discover if a motorcycle accident is more serious than a car accident and how a seasoned Kaufman County, Texas car accident lawyer at Harrell & Paulson, LLP can guide you through the claims process.

How Is a Motorcycle Accident More Serious than A Car Accident?

Evidently, a motorcycle offers far less protection to a motorcyclist than a standard motor vehicle offers for a driver. This is because a motorcyclist is not afforded a strong metal frame, a seatbelt, and an airbag as barriers in the event of a crash. This vulnerability is especially prevalent when a motorcycle collides with a larger standard motor vehicle or even a commercial vehicle.

And so, a motorcycle accident may result in far more serious damages than a car accident. Such damages may be either economic or non-economic in nature, and ultimately may leave an individual in great physical, emotional, and financial turmoil. Examples that point to this comparison include the following:

  • A motorcycle may incur more damages than a standard motor vehicle after an accident.

  • A motorcyclist may incur more debilitating injuries than a driver after an accident.

  • A motorcyclist may incur more extensive medical bills than a driver after an accident.

  • A motorcyclist may suffer a more severe degree of pain and suffering than a driver after an accident.

  • A motorcyclist may suffer a more diminished quality of life than a driver after an accident.

What Is the Statute of Limitations for An Auto Accident Claim?

Whether you are filing an auto accident claim as a motorcyclist or a standard motor vehicle driver, you may have to follow the same statute of limitations. That is, the deadline for auto accident claims in general is two years from the date on which your incident occurred.

A failure to file on time means a permanent bar from suing. This further translates into missing out on financial compensation and overall justice against a negligent party. So while we understand that you are taking the necessary time to heal from your damages, we urge you to act fast if legal action is part of your plan. And though no amount of money may make up for your life-altering damages, you must remember that your repair bills and medical bills will not simply disappear.

So, regardless of whether you were involved in a motorcycle accident or a car accident, you must not second-guess your instinct to retain the services of a competent Kaufman, Texas personal injury attorney at Harrell & Paulson, LLP. Schedule your free initial consultation with our firm today.