How to Avoid a Swimming Pool Accident this Summer

Harrell & Paulson

If you are invited to another property owner’s swimming pool, it is important that you are made aware of all safety tips necessary to avoid an accident. But in the unfortunate event that you find yourself injured due to the pool owner’s negligence, follow along to find out how a proficient Kaufman, Texas personal injury attorney at Harrell & Paulson, LLP can fight on your behalf for the justice you deserve.

What Are Helpful Swimming Pool Safety Tips I Should Follow?

Sadly, in the state of Texas, it is common for property owners to neglect their responsibility of keeping their premises safe. This is why it is important that you look out for yourself and overview the following checklist of safety tips before entering a swimming pool:

  • Become aware of where the shallow parts of the pool are located.

  • Test that you can swim properly in the deep parts of the pool.

  • Do not consume alcohol or drugs before entering the pool.

  • Never leave a minor child unattended in or around the swimming pool.

  • Identify someone present on the property who is trained to perform CPR in case of an emergency.

  • Do not keep electronic devices near the swimming pool.

What Should I Do if I Am in A Swimming Pool Accident?

If you received an injury due to no fault of your own at another party’s swimming pool, you may be eligible to file a premises liability claim. To guarantee a strong claim, your responsibility is to collect any evidence related to your injuries, damages, and the overall accident. Thus, to fulfill this burden of proof, you should act out the following immediately after your swimming pool accident:

  1. Call 911: the law enforcement officer will call for medical attention to the scene and fill out a police report, which you should retain a copy of afterward.

  2. Collect the witnesses’ contact information: later on, they may be asked to provide a witness testimony to support your claim. Also, ask the witnesses for any photos and videos they took of the accident.

  3. Document the scene: if safe to do so, take photos and videos of your injuries, damages, and the hazardous conditions that caused your accident.

  4. Seek medical attention as soon as it is made available: you should not only receive treatment at the scene but also attend follow-up appointments, as some types of injuries may not be immediately noticeable. With this, you should retain copies of any relevant medical documents and medical bills.

  5. Retain the services of one of the talented Kaufman County personal injury lawyers: our firm can help you gather any other evidence, such as security camera footage. Reach out to us before Texas’ statute of limitations deadline, which is two years from the date of your accident.

Contact Our Kaufman County Firm Today

For vigorous defenses for personal injury, criminal, divorce, or estate planning matters, contact Harrell & Paulson, LLP today to schedule your free case evaluation.